Case Study

Siaron Medical was contracted by a large OEM in November of 2010. The OEM had won the replacement of the Angio system at the Alaska Regional Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. Upon contracting for the...
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Visitor - COVID Screening Questionnaire

Please answer the questionnaire daily before entering the worksite. 

This self-assessment tool will help determine whether you may need further assessment for COVID-19. You can complete this assessment for yourself, or on behalf of someone else, if they are unable to. All questions are required unless otherwise noted.

All questions are required unless otherwise noted.

For more information on COVID-19, refer to the Government of Canada COVID-19 website .

Severe difficulty breathing (e.g. struggling to breathe or speaking in single words
Severe chest pain
Having a very hard time waking up
Feeling confused
Losing consciousness
Mild to moderate shortness of breath
Inability to lie down because of difficulty breathing
Chronic health conditions that you are having difficulty managing because of difficulty breathing
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Temperature equal to or over 38°C
Feeling feverish
Fatigue or weakness
Muscle or body aches
New loss of smell or taste
Gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting)
Feeling very unwell
Have you travelled to any countries outside Canada (including the United States) within the last 14 days?

Within the last 14 days did you provide care or have close contact with a symptomatic person known or suspected to have COVID-19?

A close contact is defined as a person who:
Provided care for the individual, including healthcare workers, family members or other caregivers, or who had other similar close physical contact without consistent and appropriate use of personal protective equipment; or
Lived with or otherwise had close prolonged contact (within 2 metres) with the person while they were infectious; or
Had direct contact with infectious bodily fluids of the person (e.g. was coughed or sneezed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.

Did you have close contact with a person who travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days who has become ill (new or worsening cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; temperature equal to or over 38°C; feeling feverish; chills; fatigue or weakness; muscle or body aches; new loss of smell or taste; headache; gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting); feeling very unwell)?

A close contact is defined as a person who:
Provided care for the individual, including healthcare workers, family members or other caregivers, or who had other similar close physical contact without consistent and appropriate use of personal protective equipment; or
Lived with or otherwise had close prolonged contact (within 2 metres) with the person while they were infectious; or
Had direct contact with infectious bodily fluids of the person (e.g. was coughed or sneezed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.

No To All?


Siaron Medical understands the difficulties in trying to sell and manage a used imaging system, which is currently due for replacement or upgrade. The importance is normally focused on the new system being purchased and installed, and...

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Interim Solutions

Siaron Medical offers interim solutions while you are undergoing renovations, equipment upgrades, patient backlog or disaster recovery.  Siaron can provide mobile solutions that correspond to your project needs...

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