Case Study

Siaron Medical was contracted by a large OEM in November of 2010. The OEM had won the replacement of the Angio system at the Alaska Regional Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. Upon contracting for the...
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Why is Calibration So Important?

Mar 10, 2016

Calibration quantifies and controls errors or uncertainties within measurement processes to an acceptable level for our customers. A very important ISO 9001:2008 regulated process at Siaron Medical is maintaining calibration of all of tools used onsite to install imaging systems like MRIs and CTs. 

Calibration defines the quality and accuracy of measurements recorded using pieces of equipment. Over time there is a tendency for results and accuracy to ‘drift’ particularly when using particular technologies or measuring particular parameters such as temperature and humidity. In order for Siaron to be confident in our results, there is an ongoing service to maintain the calibration of equipment throughout its lifetime for reliable, accurate and repeatable measurements.

Calibration is vitally important wherever exact measurements are necessary, enabling our technicians to have confidence in results that they monitor record and subsequently control in installing equipment. The goal of calibration is to minimize any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of test equipment. Be confident the project will be done correctly and accurately every time with Siaron Medical.


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Programa de compra

Siaron Medical tiene muy en cuenta las dificultades que implica la venta y gestión de un sistema de imágenes médicas usado, cuya sustitución o actualización está prevista..

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Soluciones provisionales

Siaron Medical ofrece soluciones provisionales para situaciones de renovación en curso, actualizaciones de equipos, retrasos de pacientes o recuperación de desastres...

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